Note: --> This blog site is a 'support page' to show you how to navigate the Yahoo Group.
The Track2 Railnet's main HOME PAGE is at .

2 About

About  Track2 Railnet Yahoo Group:
  • This 'Railnet' Yahoo group attempts to collect all legitimate model railroad announcements pertaining to individual and club activities in the No. Central Pennsylvania area -- and get them in one place (the Yahoo group), so any interested persons can conveniently browse the announcements to find out "what is going on".

About  Yahoo Groups:

Web Page: Whenever an announcer sends a copy of their message to a Yahoo group:
  • The Listserver then automatically (a)  makes a web page for your announcement, and also (b) resends a copy of your message to any 'subscribers' of the List.
  •  . . . . . Said another way, your announcements now have "eternal life" -- where any out-of-town visitors or new residents can view them days or even months later.
Browsing: Any model railroader looking for show information, can browse the messages to see the announcements.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Optional Reading:

Subscribing: Any model railroader can also easily "subscribe" himself to the Yahoo group -- so whenever an announcement is sent, the Yahoo group automatically emails him a copy of the announcement.

Unsubscribing: Any model railroader who has "subscribed" himself, can easily "unsubscribe" himself if he no longer wants to receive the announcements via email.

Safety: The addresses of any subscribers are kept safe and hidden in the Yahoo database (only the "moderator" can view them).

More Information:  For more info, you can browse Yahoo's Groups Help Pages, or browse the web page 'About Yahoo Groups' which includes Jim Ingram's exciting Youtube videos about Yahoo groups.

More Info, About The Yahoo Group:

When you get to the Yahoo page:  By either scrolling down the page, or using the "Messages" link on the upper left -- you can view railroad announcements that have been sent.

Also, if you scroll to the bottom of the home page, you can see a little gray-colored chart, that shows you how many messages have been sent each month since the group was started.